Year: 2011
Time Spent: N/A
Alois was my second cosplay, (purchased like all of my first cosplays) and a cosplay that I, as well as many others, love. Originally I didn't have a very good wig for him no matter how I cut or styled it and it ended up feeling like hay before I knew it. I got a new wig in early 2012 and I've been using it ever since. I only did minimal styling on this wig and didn't cut it at all and it looks marvelous. Aside from the wig, the only other thing I had anything to do with was his footwear. Not having money for fancy brown leather boots, I had to settle for black knee-high knock-off converse. I laced up the boots with some purple ribbon (which got replaced many times) and it's been like that ever since. All's well, I still have plans for new boots for Alois when the time comes.